
Drinking: A Love Story - Caroline Knapp

Great book for people wanting to pursue counseling, particularly substance abuse counseling. This book is very honest and does a great job at giving a real-life  illustration of substance abuse. 

'night, Mother - Marsha Norman

I had to watch this movie during training for a crisis call center. This was really heartbreaking but it really illustrated the difficulty in trying to change someone's mind when they are seriously contemplating committing suicide. 

Hate to love it.

The Bluest Eye - Toni Morrison

I read this book in high school and again 6 years after graduating. It was hard to read at times as the author went into the hidden, and not so hidden, desires and actions of the characters. Providing background history of each character in the story was a great touch. History did not excuse their behaviors, but it did help to explain their way of thinking and why they did the things that they did. 

Currently reading

Modern Life Study Bible-NKJV: God's Word for Our World
Thomas Nelson Publishers
Other Voices, Other Vistas: China, India, Japan, and Latin America
Various, Isabel Allende, Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, Carlos Fuentes, Chinua Achebe, Nadine Gordimer, Kōbō Abe, Yasunari Kawabata, Yukio Mishima, R.K. Narayan, Barbara H. Solomon, Bessie Head, Anita Desai, Luisa Valenzuela, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, Sawako Ariyoshi, Khushwant Singh, Di
Progress: 20/480 pages
The Insanity Offense: How America's Failure to Treat the Seriously Mentally Ill Endangers Its Citizens
E. Fuller Torrey
Progress: 76/288 pages
The Face That Demonstrates The Farce of Evolution
Phillip E. Johnson, Hank Hanegraaff
Progress: 38/256 pages